Zinc Sulphate | Plant care solution no 57


Zinc Sulphate | Plant care solution no 57




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Zinc Sulphate Fertilizer: A Summary

  • Essential micronutrient: Provides vital zinc for plant functions like enzyme activity, chlorophyll production, and healthy growth.
  • Benefits:
    • Enhances overall plant health and development.
    • Improves immunity against diseases and pests.
    • Can contribute to increased crop yield and quality.
  • Signs of deficiency: Stunted growth, yellowing leaves, delayed maturity, and rosettes (bunched leaves).
  • Application: Can be applied directly to soil or as a foliar spray (on leaves). 2-3 grams per liter of water.

Zinc sulphate, also known as zinc sulfate, is a widely used fertilizer and an essential micronutrient for plants. While plants only need it in small quantities, it plays a crucial role in various plant functions.

Benefits of zinc sulphate for plants:

  • Essential for enzyme function: Zinc is a component of many enzymes, which are like tiny machines in plants that drive many essential processes. Without sufficient zinc, these enzymes cannot function properly, leading to stunted growth and other issues.
  • Improves chlorophyll production: Zinc is involved in chlorophyll production, the pigment that gives plants their green color and allows them to photosynthesize.
  • Supports healthy growth and development: Zinc is necessary for cell division and growth, and it also plays a role in stem development, root formation, and overall plant health.
  • Boosts immunity: Adequate zinc levels can help plants resist diseases and pests.

Signs of zinc deficiency in plants:

  • Stunted growth
  • Yellowing leaves, particularly between the veins (chlorosis)
  • Bronzing or purpling of leaves
  • Rosettes (bunched leaves at the top of the plant)
  • Delayed maturity
Zinc deficiency in lime

Zinc deficiency in lime plant

zinc deficiency in soyabean

Chlorosis in interveinal areas in soybean leaf, caused by zinc deficiency.

Using zinc sulfate as fertilizer:

Zinc sulfate is a water-soluble compound, making it readily available for plants to absorb. It can be applied to the soil or directly to the foliage (leaves) as a foliar spray.

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Zinc Sulphate | Plant care solution no 57


Zinc Sulphate | Plant care solution no 57


Zinc Sulphate Fertilizer: A Summary

  • Essential micronutrient: Provides vital zinc for plant functions like enzyme activity, chlorophyll production, and healthy growth.
  • Benefits:
    • Enhances overall plant health and development.
    • Improves immunity against diseases and pests.
    • Can contribute to increased crop yield and quality.
  • Signs of deficiency: Stunted growth, yellowing leaves, delayed maturity, and rosettes (bunched leaves).
  • Application: Can be applied directly to soil or as a foliar spray (on leaves). 2-3 grams per liter of water.



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Zinc sulphate, also known as zinc sulfate, is a widely used fertilizer and an essential micronutrient for plants. While plants only need it in small quantities, it plays a crucial role in various plant functions.

Benefits of zinc sulphate for plants:

  • Essential for enzyme function: Zinc is a component of many enzymes, which are like tiny machines in plants that drive many essential processes. Without sufficient zinc, these enzymes cannot function properly, leading to stunted growth and other issues.
  • Improves chlorophyll production: Zinc is involved in chlorophyll production, the pigment that gives plants their green color and allows them to photosynthesize.
  • Supports healthy growth and development: Zinc is necessary for cell division and growth, and it also plays a role in stem development, root formation, and overall plant health.
  • Boosts immunity: Adequate zinc levels can help plants resist diseases and pests.

Signs of zinc deficiency in plants:

  • Stunted growth
  • Yellowing leaves, particularly between the veins (chlorosis)
  • Bronzing or purpling of leaves
  • Rosettes (bunched leaves at the top of the plant)
  • Delayed maturity
Zinc deficiency in lime

Zinc deficiency in lime plant

zinc deficiency in soyabean

Chlorosis in interveinal areas in soybean leaf, caused by zinc deficiency.

Using zinc sulfate as fertilizer:

Zinc sulfate is a water-soluble compound, making it readily available for plants to absorb. It can be applied to the soil or directly to the foliage (leaves) as a foliar spray.

Additional information

Weight N/A

100 grams, 250 grams, 400 grams





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